Monday 3 December 2012

Research Into Film Industry

Research Into The Film Industry
Every film starts with its production. A film producer comes up with an idea, or buys the rights to an idea off someone, and gives it to writers, who can then change and adapt the idea into a sell-able  commercial story. The writer would then create the script to go with the story.
They also have to raise the funds in order to be able to shoot/create the film. The producers can do this by approaching large companies who can back the film; the producers agree to give those companies a percentage of the profits if they invest in the project. Some of these companies might be Coca Cola, McDonalds, etc. 
Production Companies:

Working Title Productions are a British Production Company, most well known for films like Nanny McPhee, Notting Hill, Hot Fuzz and Bridget Jones’ Diary. Most of their films are set in Britain, using British actors, yet people all over the world watch their films.

Eon Productions are a British Production Company, most well known for producing the James Bond films – they've actually only made 1 non James Bond film – so although they are quite small, family owned and based in London, their films attract and interest millions of people all over the world.

Warner Brothers is a massive American film production company, and are responsible for the creation of many well-known films, such as The Hangover, The Looney Tunes, The Hobbit, and Journey To The Centre Of The Earth. They also own over 7 subsidiary companies, whilst still being a subsidiary company themselves, owned by Time Warner. Warner Brothers produce many films each year, sometimes on half of other companies, and their audience is worldwide. 

The experts who know all about films are hired in this stage, the Directors, the Crew, and the Cast is determined. This can take a long as time as the Producers have to make sure that they find people who are right to play the part in their film, and they may have a lot of choice, especially if they are a large production company.

Martin Scorsese, famous film Director

The locations for filming, props and costumes are all sorted out in the Production stage as well. This can also take a long time as scouts are sent out so that the right location can be found, permission to film is often needed as it may get in the way of everyday life. For example, in the making of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1,  part of Piccadilly Circus in London was shut off to the public, a red bus, an ambulance and multiple police cars were used to create the scene.

The Distribution then begins.

The producers can agree with distribution companies, who will be able to ensure that the film trailers/posters etc are seen by the masses, and so hopefully that will create a large profit, a percentage of which will go to the distribution companies.
Embassy Productions, a Distribution Company

The distribution companies then negotiate with the Cinema companies how many screenings of that film will be shown, if the film is predicted to be a huge success then the distribution companies will most likely have an easier time securing the screening times than other companies competing with other movies.

They also set a date for when the film is going to be released, which can be different from country to country, and the company also handles things like the box sets, DVDS, merchandise, and the films availability on online/tv libraries such as Sky and Netflix. 

                                                   Batman Begins Box Set, Limited Edition

Batman Merchandise

                                                                       Sky Anytime



One of the most popular methods are posters/billboards, as these can easily be printed in numerous languages, and can be put in many different places so that the public sees them, like in:



Bus Stops:


                                                      'Friends With Benefits' Poster in Spanish

By having the films being shown in different languages creates a lot more profit, and having advertisement at places like Bus Stops is really effective in showing masses of people what the film is, who's playing the characters, when it's out etc, because people aren't on the move, and have a bigger chance of seeing and reading what the advertisement says. Similarly with Billboards, if people are stuck in traffic, its something to catch their interest, and people can see it from a quite a distance away, so that increases the number of people that are viewing it each day. 

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