Tuesday 4 December 2012

The Film Industry

Research into the Film Industry

Film institutions

Films institutions' most important aim is to make money. From all the films that are made they try and make the most profit possible. They have different stages of the film process that helps to maximise its ability to make money. This is through its production, distribution and marketing.


Production companies are in charge of making the initial processes happen and get the resources and people to actually make the film.

Receive script- They get the script that needs to be made into a film. Their job is to make the job more commercial. This makes the film easier to sell to the public and is more audience friendly.

Raise money- The production company is then in charge of trying to raise money so that they have enough to actually make the film. They sometimes go to big organisations to give them some money. This then means that the organisations have shares in the film and get a percentage of the profit that the film makes. If not enough money can be made to be put into the film then the film cannot be made.

Employing- Their next job is to employ the people to make the film. Directors and director of photography are employed first and then the rest of the cast and crew. Along with this they have to get a location for the films and get the props and equipment that they will need to shoot the film.


The distribution company is in charge of the part of the process that get the film out into the public.The film comes from the production company and then it is the distribution companies that are in charge of making sure that people watch it. They do this by ‘distributing’ the film. This can be done in various ways. The most common ones are by releasing in the cinema, on TV  DVDs or on the internet. The more people that watch the film, the more money the film makes. For a series of successful films, they also tend to bring out box sets.


The marketing for films is one of the most important parts of the film industry. The marketing team have to ensure that people go and see the film and buy the merchandise and everything relating to the film. they try and do this by creating trailers, posters, and clips that try and make the target audience want to see the film. this is important because if no one was drawn in to see the film then no money would be made from it. If the marketing is bad then the whole project would be a waste.

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