Monday 10 December 2012

Researching Target Audience

Here are my initial notes around target audience. In some ways there doesn't seem much to say as there is such an obvious target group for our film - chick flicks are clearly aimed at females, and as we have a,lot of cross-over with teen drama, we are aiming at the younger end of the market. Previously successful films show that this is a lucrative market to aim at and that films in this genre can be successful.

However, when we started thinking about it more, it did occur to us that older women also watch chick flicks (the 'Twilight moms' have become well known, for example) and the comnedy element of these films mean that they can make good date movies and also have something to offer a male audience. Therefore although we expect our main audience to be younger women, we don't want to exclude any potential audience from our thinking. Humour is the easiest way to widen the appeal of this kind of film and there has been a rise in romance-based films aimed more at men (Knocked Up) because of the kind of humour involved. We need to make sure there is a comic slapstick moment early in our sequence. This article suggests many romance-based films appeal to men:

so we do not wish to exclude a male target audience.

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