Sunday 4 November 2012

Ideas for Film Outline

Just a Girl- film plot

·         The film begins with both main characters, shown on a split screen, waking up and getting ready for school. As they wake up both girls will reach for their alarm clocks at the same time, these alarm clock will show what the girls characteristics are as one will have a fluffy, pink, girly alarm and the other will have a plain, formal alarm clock. They will both be doing things like washing their face and brushing their teeth, but the ‘girly- girl’ will also be putting on makeup, while the ‘geeky-girl’ will be just be putting on her glasses. All these things are used to highlight the fact that these girls are significantly different.

·          While this is happening no dialogue will take place and non-diegetic music will play, because our film is a chic-flick, we are using pop music to help the audience relate to a teenagers world.

·         The next part will show both girls walking in to school, and this will be the first moment we see the love interest of both girls. The boy will look like he’s walking towards the ‘geeky-girl’ when really he is walking towards the ‘girly, popular, girl’ because the ‘geeky girl’ is watching the boy she cannot see that she is about to walk into a younger student, who she knocks into and falls over, in front of the ‘girly-girl’ and the boy.

·         During school there are several classroom scenes and a lunchtime scene where it shows that the ‘girly-girl’ and the ‘geeky-girl’ do not get on.

·         During the school scenes we also see that the ‘geeky-girl’ likes the boy. The relationship between the two of them grows when the boy is seated next to the girl in English.

·         As the relationship between both of them develops the ‘girly-girl’ starts to notice and begins to become jealous and angry. She decides to get revenge and to make the ‘geeky-girls’ life hell. She goes to confront the ‘geeky-girl’ outside school with a group of her friends. During the argument the ‘girly-girl’ pushes the ‘geeky-girl’ in the road at the same time as a car is speeding along. The car hits the geeky- girls and she gets knocked to the floor. The girly-girl is in shock and runs away. The man in the car gets out helping the girl and is very distressed.

·         The next scene is the ‘geeky-girl’ waking up in a hospital bed; she is severely injured, can’t remember anything from the accident, and needs to learn how to walk again. Suddenly, when it is visitor’s hour, the boy turns up and wants to help her with her recovery. He comes to the hospital, talking to her, and helping her through the steps of walking again.

·         When finally the girl comes out of hospital, the boys asks the girl if he could take her on dates and spend more time with her, she says yes, and their relationship begins.

·         When they both go back to school they discover that the ‘girly- girl’ has been having a really hard time, she has fallen out with all of her friends due to her pushing the ‘geeky-girl’ in the road. It is clear that she has changed and is very apologetic to the ‘geeky-girl’, she hopes that they can be friends as she now realises what it was like for the ‘geeky-girl’. Being so nice, the ‘geeky-girl accepts the girls apology and says that they can start over

·         The last scene shows both girls waking up again like they did in the first scene, although they are still different as the ‘geeky-girl’ opens her door to go to school, the ‘girly-girl’ is there waiting to walk to school with her.

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