Sunday 4 November 2012

Ideas for First Two Minutes

B) Personal storyboard:

(First 60 seconds) Presented as a split screen. Two different actions and locations portrayed at the same time.

1.       Long shot in two bedrooms of two girls in bed turning alarm off.

2.       Fade in to new location in Point Of View shot (POV) of mirrors perspective looking at two girls brushing teeth – Mid shot.

3.       Close up – of water and tooth paste falling down the drain with the cast names falling down as well.

4.       Medium-close-up of two girls doing make-up and hair. (Shows juxtaposition of the two girls’ routines).

5.       Close up of shoes put on.

6.       Cross-fade into normal camera view of just on shot on screen. Split screen OVER.

7.       Long shot of journey of both girls. The transportation mode is in the shot. One in a BMW and other riding her bike.

8.       Low angle shot of car wheels of BMW. Series of different shots including POV shot, low angle and high angle used for other girls journey on her bike.

(Quick fade in into different locations on camera).

9.       BLACK OUT – Music ends and dialogue begins. Ambient sound and diegetic sounds present because in high school.

10.   Long-shot of both girls on either side of the camera (edge of the frame shot). Walking towards the camera and camera also moves backwards as if camera moves with them.

11.   SETH walks as if he was walking towards Lauren and walks straight passed her to Charlie. This is done as a POV shot of Lauren’s Point of View of the scene. It portrays how she perceives Seth and how she handles situations like these.

12.   This scene finishes with Lauren walking in a door as she is still day dreaming of Seth. This is still done as POV and the door slams straight into her face and metaphorically ‘closes the first scene of the film’ and turns to a fade to black showing the audience this first chapter introducing the main characters is over.


During the first 6 bullet points during the split screen shooting non-diegetic music of a girly soundtrack will be present whilst the two girls are getting ready. Diegetic sounds of their alarm and the utensils used to get ready will be present to add more realism. From 7 to 10 bullet points the music will stop and dialogue will start. Lots of diegetic sounds of cars, rain and children’s voices will be present. Perhaps small glimpses of music will be used when certain characters are on camera to show their significance. Synchronous sound will be used to show this and link a character with a specific song that may describe their character well just by using a certain type of music.



  1. Its a good idea to have the POV shot in the mirrors, i think it will really highlight the girls differences

  2. On the change of location to the school it would be nice to have non-diegetic music playing and an establishing shot of the school, because it would be too quiet with only diegetic and ambient sounds, also the establishing shot highlights the change of location.

  3. I like the non-diegetic music, of the girly soundtrack, at the beginning during the split screen

  4. Yeah maybe we could use the 'Human' track we talked about before? But do you think it would be better using it when the girls are getting ready or when we see them going into school?
