Friday 23 November 2012

Storyboard Second Draft

We have made some changes to our storyboard based on our recent tasks, as we have seen some weaknesses. We have thought about how to work the slpit screen idea into our sequence and expanded the end section. We have also added more specific times / places for our titles and credits. We are still not entirely confident about our end sequence. However, we have decided to film our intital idea and if we are not happy, re-storyboard and film again. We cdan make this decision because we are filming this sequence in school and so there are easy opportunities for re-filming. if we were filming in one of the loctions further away, we would re-plan now and film different versions. In the real media world, there probably wouldn't be the luxury of seeing if something works and then re-filming as cast and crew have to be paid and schedules are very tight. However, we do have this luxury so we want to take advantage of it.

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