Tuesday 13 November 2012

Prelim Task

Michaella and Rebecca M
Rebekah O and Rachel
We filmed the task together but edited in pairs just to see what differences would emerge. there are some key differences, which is interesting because it shows it's really worth  creating more than one version of our real coursework as with a whole two minutes, there is much more room for variety and we need to consider all options. There are a lot of things we are not happy with in this task, but we will evaluate it formally later when we can compare with our actual coursework. We have started to evaluate it informally, however, because we want to learn from it and avoid making similar mistakes in our opening sequence.


  1. Feedback: Rebecca and Michaela

    Take out background sound to ensure no unwanted sounds are present when filming.
    Careful of tilted camera on the tripod when filming scenes so that scenes come out straight rather than at an unwanted angle.
    Careful of gaps between sequences so that the continuity is persistent and flows well.

  2. feedback Rachel and Rebekah:
    when editing make sure there are no gaps between the clips because when plaing the whole piece through it causes blackouts. Also in the shot with the door you can see Miss in the background so make sure that when you are filming there are no random people around that will come in the shots. Also there is a sense that the camera is slightly tilted, so before filming make sure it is straight and the tripod is straight.

  3. feedback for Rebecca and Michaela:
    I noticed a lot of ambient sound that was too loud for the piece, so make sure that if there are people around that they are quiet or if you want complete silence make sure no one is around. Although I was impressed with your shot reverse shots.

  4. Feedback For Rebecca and Michaela:
    I noticed that from the shot of rachel walking in through the door it jumped straight to her sitting down which I think looks a little odd, but that is just the way that it was edited so can easily be fixed. Also the background noise seemed a little loud. Other than that I think that it was good.
    Feedback for Rachel and Rebekah:
    I think that the continuity was good in this piece. one thing is that to make sure that we are are aware of people in the background that we don't really want there. Also occasionally there are little blackouts that are from the editing where there are gaps are between each shots, but it can easily be fixed.
