Sunday 4 November 2012

Ideas for First Two Minutes of Film

Just a Girl – Storyboard

1.       Split screen- close up of two alarm clocks either side of the screen-one pink and fluffy, other formal- both bleeping showing the same time.

2.       Close up of two alarms on split screen being turned off by two different girls-close up of the hands.

3.       Mid-shot of both girls climbing out of bed and as girls are walking to the bathroom tracking shot will be used to follow them.

4.       As girls are over the sink – close up of their faces

5.       POV shot- what girls see in the mirror

6.       Close up of girl's faces when brushing teeth

7.       Close up and POV shot into sink when girls spit toothpaste-in the sink a credit will appear then spin and disappear into plughole.

8.       Low angle shot when both girls are walking down the stairs

9.      Tracking shot is used when both girls walk into the kitchen, close up on the toast the pick up

10.  Tracking shot as girls walk out of the front door

11.  Split screen is stopped here- Girly girl meets one of her friends –walk and talk scene is used here – Graphic match is used when geeky girl is walking to school but she is alone

12.  Establishing shot of school

13.  Mid- shot of geeky girl walking into school and walk and talk scene of girly girl and her friends

14.  Pov shot from geeky girl's point of view showing boy walking towards her

15.  Close up if geeky girl's face

16.  Close up of boys face

17.  Pov shot as boy walks past geeky girl to girly girl as this happens Arc shot is used

18.  Two shot as boy and girly girl hug

19.   Close up of geeky girl's face to show disappointment

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